DJ Quik’s Daughter And Her Boyfriend Arrested For Child Abuse & First-Degree Murder


It has been recently reported Davieanna Marlena Blake, the woman charged with the murder of her two year son is in fact DJ Quik’s daughter.

Last month, the two year old son of Davieanna Marlena Blake and Moses Alvarez was found dead outside of the couple’s apartment. The couple are facing murder charges for the death of their son. In recent developements, Davieanna Marlena Blake has actually been revealed to be DJ Quik’s daughter. The two year old was found dead with bruises covering his body resulting from an “excessive” beating from Moses Alverez for wetting his bed.


Davieanna, DJ Quik’s daughter, reportedly told the police that she was afraid to intervene as she thought it would only anger Alvarez even more. When Blake came back home from work she found her son not breathing and beaten badly.

The Source would like to extend its condolences to DJ Quick and his family.

Ben Lester (bjams11)