Jennifer Hudson on Competing Aretha Franklin Limited TV Series: ‘If It’s Not a Film, It’s Nothing’

Jennifer Hudson was handpicked by Ms. Aretha Franklin herself to portray the late singer in a…

Jennifer Hudson Stars as Aretha Franklin In Upcoming Biopic ‘Respect’

Jennifer Hudson is set to play Aretha Franklin in the upcoming biopic, Respect. The Queen of…

Aretha Franklin Biopic ‘Respect’ Now Scheduled for Christmas Day Release

Respect, the Aretha Franklin biopic starring Jennifer Hudson, is set for a Holiday season launch throwing…

Aretha Franklin’s Son Blasts ‘Respect’ Film Online

Respect, the biopic of the late Aretha Franklin, which is starring Jennifer Hudson, is set to…

Jennifer Hudson Will Play Aretha Franklin in Biopic ‘Respect’

Jennifer Hudson has been tapped to star as the Aretha Franklin in her Respect biopic, which…

Black Women Allegedly Beaten By White Students On A Bus

Over the weekend, three Black women of the State University of New York Albany were allegedly…