Porn Site Surfing? Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold Owns Domain Blow-Me.Org

Texas’ Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold has been verfied as the owner of a lascivious web site.

Because politicians compete for public trust during election season by often making exaggerated claims of virtuous changes they intend to make, it is always surprising to learn of their personal vices they tried so skillfully to hide.

Apparently while Texas’ 27th District Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold was voting to reduce the amount of veteran disability checks and impeach Obama, he was also preparing to make a fortune via a technology company once his term ended.


Representative Farenthold bought several web properties, including, and  BuzzFeed confirmed that is tied to the same telephone number and email address ( that his election committee is connected to.   Although these sites are inactive, it is rumored that Blake’s intent was to sell them to the pornographic industry.

To add to Blake’s looming cloud of utter debauchery, on Friday, December 12, 2014, a former employee of Blake, Lauren Greene,  filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the Congressman.

Greene claims, “Farenthold regularly drank to excess, and because of his tendency to flirt, the staffers who accompanied him to Capitol Hill functions would joke that they had to be on ‘red head patrol’ to keep him out of trouble.  He repeatedly tried to gauge my interest in him.”

Doprah No Filtah is a resident of Washington, D.C.  Underground hip hop is her only escape from the constant influx of political meanderings.  Follow her on Twitter @SNSNightlifeMag.

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