Raven-Symone, former network TV darling and cable TV superstar, has long been considered a lost soul. Her current TV stardom comes from her post on The View, the gossipy daytime talk show that attacks the day’s hot topics with fervor and personal anecdotes, the latter of which Symone is rarely short on.

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Continuing her unfortunate trend–she once proudly proclaimed she was from “every continent in Africa,” and followed that with a flurry of other nonsensical hot takes. Today, well, her take was at its hottest.

I’m very discriminatory against the words like the ones that they were saying in those names. I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. That’s just not gon’ happen. I’m not gonna hire you.


The video Symone is referring to was a YouTube video titled “Top 60 Ghetto Black Names,” after discussing a recent University of California-Los Angeles study that concluded that folks often associate Black names with violence and aggression. There are levels to Raven’s self-hate and promotion of stereotype. First, the multi-syllable name, but the fact that it begins with “watermelon?”

She needs help.


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  • tushana says:

    hey how u doing

  • tashawnda price says:

    Raven is just trying too hard to be controversial.

  • Michele from Ky says:

    Everybody on the view says stupid stuff on there all the time. I’ve never heard Raven say anything incriminating and I actually been watching the view 10x more since Raven has been in the show. I feel she brings something different to the show and I like it. Plus Raven can keep a conversation going on any subject which I like. So Raven keep doing you on the show and still don’t be afraid to speak your mind. I think your doing great and way better than I expected. Plus, I look forwarded to see how your hair is styled, your make up, and outfits.