Would you blend the action comedy of Deadpool with the music of Kanye West? If you left it up to Ryan Reynolds and Yeezy they would definitely become a pair. When Kanye tweeted his support and love for both films, Reynolds chimed in mentioning he would hit up Celine Dion who contributed to the soundtrack for the sequel.

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Kanye gushed over the writing of the film and stated “I love how you guys break the 4th wall,” a component of the Deadpool character that has followed since the comic days. He also sent on to state he would clear his music if requested.

Leave it to Kanye and he could potentially create a quick seven-song set to score the entire film or maybe dig into a classic like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy for a “Dark Fantasy” to be a scene-stealing single. What would be your pick from Ye’s discography to match the film?
