Rappers vs. Politicians (A.K.A. Kanye vs. Politicians)


#9. Bill Clinton vs. Sister Souljah

Ahh yes, the birth of the term, “Sister Souljah Moment.” Today, a Sister Souljah Moment is when a person of political value or precedence basically takes advantage of an extremists persons quotes or views and uses it for their benefit. Sister Souljah was at one point quoted as saying, “If black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?” Souljah continued to make a song and in it contained the lyrics, “If there are any good white people, I haven’t met them.” Clinton, then, at a Jesse Jackson convention decided to humiliate both Jackson as well as Souljah. He spoke, “If you took the words ‘white’ and ‘black’ and reversed them, you might think David Duke was giving that speech” in reference to Sister Souljah. Duke is a white nationalist. Clinton used Duke as an example to show the extremism of Sister Souljah’s quote. Souljah later attempted to retaliate against Clinton, but she received little to no media attention. I give this one to Bill, because 1. He deliberately went into Jesse’s convention and successfully humiliated both him and Souljah on their own turf, and 2. Sister Souljah is relevant solely due to Bill. Bill Clinton: 1. Sister Souljah: 0.
