Cicret | The Future Is Here!

French design company Cicret aims to turn your arm into a tablet device promising a tech savvy future for gadget users.

Billed as “a tablet, but on your skin” the Cicret bracelet will project your phone onto the skin of your arm. But not so fast, Cicret is still working on raising the funds for their groundbreaking innovation. Check out their concept video below!

According to Cicret’s call for donations page, it needs 300,000 euros ($425,062) to make the Cicret app available on all platforms. To make the Cicret bracelet’s first prototype, it will need 700,000 euros ($993,177). The website reasons that “if everyone gives us 1 euro, we will make it and release our products!”


What do you think…can Cicret eliminate the use of phones?


-Courtney Brown (@CourtneyBrown)

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