George Lucas Talks ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Surprisingly George Lucas knows as much as audiences do about the upcoming Star Wars film.

George Lucas, the genius behind the Star Wars franchise, has currently not seen the new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Lucas shared his thoughts with interviewer Stephen Colbert during the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival. Among other things, Lucas and Colbert discussed how Steven Spielberg was one of the only hopefuls of the Star Wars franchise and that the film American Graffiti was made on a dare. Lucas discussed how he never had a chance to see the movies from the audience’s perspective which prompted him to not watch the trailers. “I don’t know anything about it …[so] this time it’ll be very thrilling.”

When Lucas showed his close friends and family an original rough cut of the first Star Wars film no one believed in it except for Spielberg who said, ‘This is gonna be the biggest movie of all time!’” A surprising turn of events also led Colbert to reveal that he did not want to be Jon Stewart’s successor, “I don’t want to be the guy to take over for Jon Stewart. I worked for Jon Stewart at that show. My memories will always be of him being the keenest, most intelligent, most beautifully deconstructive mind, the clearest thinker I’ve ever worked with or for. I would never get underneath his shadow. Lucas also mentioned that although he’s retired he’s wants to make experimental film that will “probably never get released,” he said jokingly.

-Nishat Baig