Earlier today, Kanye West premiered his showing of Yeezy Season 3 at Madison Square Garden, which was streamed via Tidal. At one point during the event, West, who was playing his music via the aux cord that was available to him, passed the aux over to a few other artists that were in attendance including Young Thug.
Thugger, who was supposed to release Slime Season 3 last week, pulled an audible and released a new album, I’m Up, instead. When passed the reigns from Yeezy at the event, he played a brand new track with a title that has yet to be revealed. The Internet got a hold of the track and now we can enjoy it for our listening pleasure until the CDQ is made available. Young Thug is featured on a Kanye’s new album The Life of Pablo on “Highlights,” which also features The-Dream.
Peep the track below.