Ben Carson Says His Mother Would Have Shot “Dishonest Reporters” During His Campaign

Former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson had a few spats with the media before dropping out of the race to eventual nominee Donald Trump. Carson publicly feuded with mainstream news outlets and their coverage of his campaign. With that said, just because his campaign is over doesn’t mean he still doesn’t have any animosity. While being featured as a guest on CBS Radio’s Brown And Scoop podcast hosted by Jake Brown and Brandon “Scoop B” Robinson, formerly of The Source.

During the interview, Scoop B asked Carson what his mother would of thought if she were still alive to see him run for the White House, to which Carson replied:

“My mother’s still alive, by the way. She has Alzheimer’s. She’s not really cognizant of that, which is a good thing because my mother is really a fighter. She probably would have taken a gun and gone out and shot some of the dishonest reporters.”

I’m glad we’re the good guys,” Scoop B responded with. “That was an honest answer man. I dig that.” A sound reaction to such a strong sentiment from a former presidential candidate.

Via: CNN