Words by Jason Cordner
Actor Michael B. Jordan explores his roots in Newark, New Jersey in a thoughtful, black and white mini-documentary film from Nike and Vice Sports.
The 30-year-old actor does obsessively work out, though, judging by a new mini-documentary about him from Nike and Vice Sports. Titled “Grounded,” it broke today and delves into the other Michael Jordan’s upbringing in Newark, his drive and determination, and how exercise helps him achieve balance in his ambitious, hectic life.
“My dad used to tell me all of the time, ‘You’ve got to be serious about something,’” he said. “When I reflect and think about how far I’ve come, I told myself at a young age that I was going to sacrifice. I used to run myself into the ground to like pure exhaustion just because I would feel like then I deserve it. That’s probably why I go so hard in the gym, why I go so hard in life. I want to feel the hardships of it.”
Jordan also offers some suggestions on stay active with a purpose. “You only get one body, and you’ve got to take care of it as much as you can. And if you’re not in good shape, if you’re not mentally strong, if you’re not physically fit, being energized and getting through a busy day is going to be really tough.”
Three of Jordan’s workouts are now available on the Nike Training Club app.