Words by Nick Slay

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As part of The Source Magazine’s continual efforts to give back to global community to which it serves, we will be sponsoring a holiday toy drive Thursday November 30th. We cordially invite you to meet us at New York City hot spot Katra (317 Bowery St.) to join us in the spirit of giving for the 2017 holiday season. Hosts Manolo Rose and Bianca Bonnie will be lending their time and talents to support a good cause.

Our hosts will be supporting and bringing awareness for IWTHC.org (Impact the World Through Healthcare Inc.) and their cause as they provide healthcare to the poor families and especially children in Haiti and the Caribbean. In many places such as Haiti, medical clinics don’t always provide the full coverage of health care available in the United States. IWTHC.org makes sure that the poor and at risk receive vaccines, antibiotics, and other health care services vastly needed in these regions of the world. In recent months they sent barrels of donated clothes, toiletries, diapers etc. to St. Maarten after the hurricanes decimated the area, displaced families, and recovery efforts are slow.


Hasbro has already donated 100 toys and games to the cause and we ask that attendees build upon the generous donation from our corporate sponsors. In a time such as this where so many Americans and Caribbean people have suffered due to the outbreak of powerful hurricanes that hit the region as of late, every little bit helps. It is our unity to work together to help those in need we show our best selves and the true power of the human spirit. It is essential during these troubling times we look across the lines that divide us such as race, culture, religion, and political affiliation to stand by one another and lift up those who need us the most.