After winning Best International Male Solo Artist, Kendrick Lamar faced some technical difficulties during his BRIT Awards performance on Wednesday, leaving audience members and viewers at home confused and concerned. Kendrick began his performance by lying on top of a glass box with a car inside, that eventually got smashed. As the music began, it appeared to stop and start creating a loop effect for a couple of minutes.“It sounded like the music wouldn’t play properly,” one source added. Later, he returned to the stage to perform “Feel” and “New Freezer,” a collab with Rich The Kid.
Oh but of course, social media had to share their opinions. “Has Kendrick Lamar fallen asleep?” one fan wrote, and another added, “Just lying on a car, it’s Kendrick Lamar!”
Quick question: how does one apply to be Kendrick's personal car smasher?! @BRITs #BRITs2018 @kendricklamar
— GIPHY (@GIPHY) February 21, 2018
I'm not even mad about Kendrick Lamar chilling on a car because when you're that much of an icon do as you please it's art
— Charlie Thomas (@CharlieThomas_2) February 21, 2018
Me watching Kendrick Lamar's performance. #BRITs2018
— Bradley Cates (@Bradley_Cates) February 21, 2018
I am so hyped up right now watching Kendrick Lamar lay on the floor #BRITs2018
— ellon degenerate (@theSITUASIAN_) February 21, 2018