Black Twitter Sparks #IfSlaveryWasaChoice After Kanye West’s TMZ Rant

Kanye West got exactly what he wanted, everyone talking about him. Considering that we’re the Bible of Hip Hop, we have to cover everything Hip Hop related. Even if it’s as stupid as Ye saying, slavery was a choice.

The rapper went on TMZ Live to basically piss more people off. When speaking of slavery he said, “400 years? That sounds like a choice.” The band wagoners are going to “try to understand” what Ye is saying because he went on Twitter afterwards to clarify that he meant slaves were mentally imprisoned. Meanwhile, he could’ve just used those exact words instead of saying slavery was a choice, because it wasn’t.

Anyway, Black Twitter isn’t here for the foolery, and they began dragging Yeezy using the hashtag: If Slavery Was a Choice, which is now the second trending topic on Twitter.
