Maryland Governor Latest To Withdraw Border Support Due To Trump’s Separation of Families Policy

It’s no secret that Trump and his administration has drawn very harsh criticism over his separation policy of migrant children and their parents, now the governor of Maryland has joined the protest in a major way; by withdrawing Nationa Guard helicopter support and assistance from New Mexico until the inhumane separations stop.

According to published reports, Maryland’s Republican governor Larry Hogan has officially taken action against the Trump administration for the heinous policy and vows that Maryland troops will not assist any further until the policy is changed.

“Washington has failed again & again to deliver needed immigration reform – Congress and the administration must step up and work together to fix our broken system. Immigration enforcement efforts should focus on criminals, not separating innocent children from their families,” Gov. Hogan said via Twitter.

Hogan was the second Republican governor to take action against the Trump administration’s policy. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Monday scrapped plans to send a National Guard helicopter and military analysts to the border due to  “the inhumane treatment of children” according to his spokeswoman.

Many Democratic governors have made similar pledges. On Tuesday, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) recalled four Virginia National Guard soldiers and a helicopter.

“When Virginia deployed these resources to the border, we expected that they would play a role in preventing criminals, drug runners and other threats to our security from crossing into the United States — not supporting a policy of arresting families and separating children from their parents,” Northam told the Washington Post in a statement.

Politicians aren’t the only ones showing disgust for the atrocities committed against these migrant families, John Legend recently tweeted his outrage at House Speaker Paul Ryan on Father’s day, tweeting “Seriously, f*ck you”, after Ryan shared a heartfelt video about his own journey to fatherhood.

Despite the scrutiny, the current administration contends that it is the policy of their Democratic counterparts who have allowed the inhumane treatment of children at the border while refusing to speak on their intentions to rectify the issue.