R. Kelly Submits Request to Be Placed in General Population

Remember when R. Kelly requested to be placed in solitary confinement? He is now singing a different tune and wants to be placed in the general population.

TMZ details legal documents filed by Kells’ legal representation claiming the solitary area is designed for punishment. (Duh, it’s solitary.) Reasons for removal from solitary include no time getting sunlight, no access to media or recreational activities, all his visitations must be recovered, only one 15 minute call per month and only 3 days a week he receives a shower. Commissary is also not an option for The R in R&B either.

Attorney Steven Greenberg states the singer is being punished due to his “celebrity status” and because his charges involve minors and sexual activities. However, the same allegations in those charges could lead to a rough welcome with those in the general population. That appears to be a risk Kelly and his team is willing to take, citing solitary is affecting his physical and mental health.