DJ Suss One hosted the second installment of his Dinner and a Movie series for a special advanced screening of It Chapter 2 screening. The Feature Presentation’s head honcho teased the star-studded event hours before it kicked off at iPic movie theater in New York City.
“I’ve never been to something like this before,” Cyn Santana told VIBE as she walked through the door to the movie theater where she had a seat reserved with her name on it.
The Power 105.1 deejay has a goal to unify both of his passions: Music and movies. He did an exceptional job at this event in partnership with Def Jam and the AlyiV Experience.
The guest list was packed with influencers, media moguls and celebs from Love & Hip Hop’s, Sky Landish and Rich Dollaz, to MTV’s Wild N’ Out Justina Valentine, to comedian Shiggy, and more.
The entire night was nothing less than epic with memorable people, good vibes and ended with one of the scariest movies to hit the screen in a long time. Every seat was filled with influential people who truly supported the impact Suss has made throughout the years. Everyone conveyed endless love to one of the most respected DJs in the game.
If you want a chance to attend an advanced VIP screening of the next blockbuster, be sure to follow The Feature Presentation on all social media platforms.