R2L Reunion Seems More Like They Ready for Drama than Love… Jimmy also Emerges As Cast Clown

Well it is not Love & Hip-Hop but… there is a way that Black professionals throw shade on Ready to Love will make you clutch your pearls and indeed throw your girl a “yaaasss… say that!”


And while it seems like this is something that people can’t stand to see on reality television, there is something that is sincere and not orchestrated by the series’ producers. This show puts on front street some of the challenges that Black women and Black men face when trying to find meaningful relationships in 2019. The drama that we see is highly relatable… and the reunion gets to unpack how advantageous or detrimental speed dating on steroids can be.

So approximately two months after the contest/competition/dating experiment ended, Nephew Tommy gathers the cast for a shocking and surprise-filled two-hour reunion special where viewers learn which couples have stayed together, which have broken up, and which ones have already found new love. 


One of the dramatic scenes will be when Kimber calls out Jimmy for being inconsiderate of her feelings and basically a cornball. Why is Jimmy a cornball… let the video play… watch out splashy wack juice will jump off the screen and blind you.

Jimmy is so wack… that when he tries to be a stand-up dude by saying that he has cheated on his lady/ies before. He did so while others reluctantly raise their fingers and shrink in their seeks. He doesn’t. He is like living in his truth… yes… the truth… basically… ladies if you are watching this show… and you see him… run… His admission just kind of solidifies his membership into the creep squad forever… I promise you that this is not Love and Hip-Hop, but no one seemed to tell this “playa playa.” #OutHereGivingNupesABadName

The Ready to Love Reunion comes on Saturday, December 21 at 10 p.m. – 11 p.m. ET/PT. It is our hope that it is as juicy and boughetto as it seems… Also, we do hope that Jimmy redeems himself… Cause the clips got him looking super goofy.