The spotlight is now on Atlanta rapper Yung Joc after he has been caught driving in what appears to be an Uber-like ride-sharing app named “PullUpNGo.”

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“You sound like somebody I know,” stated one of the passengers in the video.

In a video that surfaced on the Internet on January 12th, you can see Yung Joc steering his vehicle, wearing a hoodie, as the passengers ask him questions to try and solve his identity.


“I just wanna ask a question. Are you Young Joc? Can you turn around?” said the other passenger in the vehicle.

“I mean, I think you already put that part together, yeah,” stated the rapper.

“Oh, so you must’ve fell off or something,” the passenger responds.

After clearly taking offense to the comment, Joc responds, “I gotta fall off?” and proceeds to tell them that the app is a way for him to make money and meet new people. “I just felt like it was an easy way to get some easy money downtown. I meet people.”

Shortly after the job shame, The Love and HipHop star posted on his Instagram, “Anybody need a ride to @boogalouatl today for #alluresundays ???? I know they gonna hate but somebody wanna get wasted and get to their next destination safe & sound,” he said. “Download the app
and I just might #pullupngo @pugorides.”

It’s safe to say, Yung Joc knows how to make his coin!