Miami Reportedly Goes 7 Weeks Without Homicide For 1st Time Since 1957

According to reports, the homicide rate in Miami has dropped as there were no homicides for the last seven weeks. This hasn’t happened since 1957 according to the Miami Police Department.

Police reported that from February 17 to April 12, 2020, Miami had no reported homicides. The last time that went down was in 1957 when Miami went a total of nine weeks and three days without any homicides. This news comes after the Mayor of Miami—Francis Suarez declared a state of emergency on March 12 to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Miami Police noted the rates of other types of crimes have dropped, including domestic violence. However, Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina said he is worried about the instances of child abuse and domestic violence that may be getting underreported during the stay-at-home order.
