Texas Teen Awarded $25K for Developing Possible COVID-19 Treatment

A Texas teenager might have found a treatment for COVID-19 and she’s already seeing monetary benefits from it.

Anika Chebrolu, 14, was awarded $25,000 for her coronavirus breakthrough. She’s a freshman at the Independence High School in Frisco and developed a molecule that binds to a protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and essentially stops the virus from functioning when she was in 8th grade.

Chebrolu used 682 million compounds and computer programs to come up with this.

Anika was in middle school when she entered the contest and planned to center her project around combating the seasonal flu. But the life-changing opportunity came to her when the world was swept with the deadly respiratory virus.

Anika Chebrolu credits her grandfather who is a chemistry professor, for inspiring her to take on science.