The podcasting industry has been one that, while once remained a stingy beginning with only die hard fanatics listening to shows has since skyrocketed to new heights over the course of the last decade. With increased numbers every year that passed, nothing could have prepared anyone for the global scale rise in podcast listening that shot upward in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. While there had initially been a decreased incline in the first month of the pandemic, by October of 2020, the steady increase of general listeners in the U.S. had grown exponentially to a whopping 189% since January of 2020. That same month, a survey put out by Trailer Park in partnership with Variety Intelligence Platform recorded a 52% increase in respondents stating that they have begun listening to podcasts either “much more” or “a little more” since the pandemic first started. These staggering numbers only continue forward adding that in 2021, an estimated increase of 28% representing the total U.S. population, or, 80 million Americans, would now be considered frequent weekly listeners. This number moves up 24% from the year before. These statistics certainly attest to the world’s sudden newfound dependence on, for starters, alternative entertainment methods as opposed to just film or music, though it also pushes forward the notion that podcasts in general continue to be a budding industry for the shows themselves. With such an increase of audience booming, certainly the demand for new shows have increased as well.
Nothing that wasn’t noted by entrepreneur Travis Chappell. With his own acclaimed podcast, Build Your Network, under his belt and continuing to flourish, Chappell put focus into designing a software that would come to change the game for those in the profession of podcasting and beyond. The marketplace, called Guestio, was created with a primary focus in connecting business owners and show hosts alike who were looking to promote and market their material. Guestio offers show hosts the opportunity to book top level talent as sponsored guests for their shows through customizable pitches emblematic of their brand. In addition to that, show hosts are able to earn revenue based on their sponsored guests, monetizing the efforts they put into building an audience base and cultivating their brands.
Guestio’s mission was not one unlike Chappell’s own personal mission statement. Build Your Network puts a spotlight on doing exactly its namesake through building community and encouraging personal growth. Chappell’s show is constantly offering listeners both practical and valuable pieces of advice to grow as a person holistically and is done so through both educational and entertaining interviews with household name guests such as Shaq, Rob Dyrdek, Matt Barnes, Tomi Lahren, and hundreds of others. Between 46.5K followers keeping up with his social media content and the 2 million downloads of his show, it’s clear to see that Chappell has utilized the same tools he presents through Guestio to successfully build his own brand through that of networking. Taking the concept of building relationships and directly correlating that to building success has resulted in a powerful widespread surge of successful podcasts to grow amidst the millions of other shows launching all at once. Chappell believes that, “Your network will increase in direct proportion to the amount of value you can add to others. If you want a more valuable network, become a more valuable person to connect with.” His passion of pursuing authentic community is evident in every ounce of his life – how he communicates, how he engages with others, how he pursues business endeavours, etc. He goes on to say that “If you build a good product, you don’t have to spend as much on marketing.” A concept that, when paired with the relational aspect of truly building your network, increases in immense value the notion that cultivating community does have a direct impact on building success. When applied, it can lead to unprecedented results.
With fresh listeners still on the rise, it’s inevitable that the demand for new, fresh shows will continue to grow as well. For those starting out or for those looking to invest in pursuing their current show to a higher level, the tools Chappell has offered through the design and launch of Guestio is unmatchable. While Guestio was, and currently remains, the only solution of its kind, taking advantage of the app’s aid to further build your brand and start raking in revenue will surely continue to change the game as it goes in the podcast industry.
Instagram: @travischappell
Twitter: @traviscchappell