Ah, yes – engagement ring shopping – it can be one of the most exciting moments in a woman’s life. You’ve shortlisted a few potential buys and now you’re ready to select the one that’s going to stay with you for lifelong.

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While shopping for engagement rings for women can be full of excitement and adventure, it can also turn out to be time-consuming and even confusing, particularly if this is your first time. Before saying your “I do” on the big day, it’s always good to know these things when you go engagement ring shopping:

Budget myths are just that: Myths!

Is your heart set on a diamond engagement ring? Great, go for it! There’s no such thing as “this engagement ring is too expensive or too cheap for me”. If you like it, then that’s the one for you, whether it costs $1,000 or over $10,000.


While it’s entirely up to you how much you are comfortable spending on an engagement ring, you may want to reconsider your options if the ring in question might set you back by half a year’s salary.

Also, keep in mind that bespoke engagement rings tend to be significantly more expensive than ready-made ones, and when we talk about diamond engagement rings specifically, lab-grown ones tend to be more wallet-friendly.

In any case, spend as little or as much as you want, as long as the ring boasts quality, style and aesthetic you both will love.

Do a little research beforehand

You’ve likely heard of ‘the 4 Cs’ of diamond rings.

If your engagement ring has to be a diamond one, then you need to be aware of what this universal standard means. The 4 Cs essentially refer to cut, colour, clarity and carat Weight or size of the diamond. So, the higher you desire your diamond jewelry/ diamond engagement ring in any of these aspects, the more expensive it’s going to be. Naturally, it will also be more desirable to wear and admire!

If you know which ‘Cs’ you want the most, that’s more than a quarter of your work done.

Get a measurement taken for your ring

Sounds like the logical thing to do, right? You’d be surprised how many couples leave this to the last moment or don’t even consider it, until choosing their dream ring, and then discovering that it won’t fit them.

Look, your big day is approaching fast – the last thing you want is an engagement ring that you absolutely got to have but won’t fit. Therefore, make sure the ring’s band feels nice and snug, but at the same time not uncomfortably tight.

If you’re both looking for the engagement ring together (as many women or men prefer to secretly look for theirs as a ‘last minute’ surprise), then it’s easy to get your size measured at a jewelry store. This ensures you’ll have a perfect fit from day one. No nasty surprises!

Now – what if you’re secretly on the hunt for engagement rings? Worry not. You can casually ask a mutual friend to measure your partner’s ring finger or even ask to borrow one of their rings, take it to the jeweler and get an expert opinion on the engagement ring size. Simples!

Shape and aesthetics

Let’s concentrate on the aesthetics for a bit. The shape of the center stone must be decided on before you start shopping as it will make everything else easier.

From princess-cut and round-cut to emerald-cut and cushion-cut, there are many different shapes to choose from. ‘Shape’ here refers to the shape of your diamond center stone, where each shape will boast a different style, such as modern, unique, vintage, etc.

Carat size confusion

This doesn’t have to be confusing at all, yet some couples tend to make it confusing.

In fact, some couples might even outright tell you that the carat size doesn’t matter even though, ironically, that’s often one of the first things you consider. It’s the kicking-off point, so to speak, as color and clarity are two things that can be tweaked endlessly to your liking and budget.

So, how to know which carat size is right? Let’s put our budget aside for a moment. Think about whether you and your loved one would prefer a clearer diamond or a larger stone. If you’re after quantity, then you can go with one of the more affordable stone shapes. But if quality is more important to you, then you need not worry so much about carat size.

Either way, you can actually save a great deal of money if you pick a carat size that’s less common – diamond prices tend to increase a lot when you move up half a carat size – e.g. from 0.5 to 1, from 1 to 1.5, and so on.

On a final note, consider lab created diamond engagement rings, as they are available in many different carats, shapes, and styles, offering a budget-friendly yet stylish and timeless option.

About The Author

Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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