Impeached President Trump Has a White House Staffer Who Reads White Nationalist and Racist Material While in Public Office

Let’s not get so caught up in the Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Reunion, that we can’t pay attention to the recent emails released by the Southern Poverty Center revealing the racist proclivities of White House policy advisor Stephen Miller.

Stephen Miller not only reads racist websites like VDare and Breitbart, but novels like Camp of the Saints. Miller also has a thing for President Coolidge and his bigoted anti-Eastern European eugenics movement.

Rachel Maddow on her show breaks down exactly how cooky the Trump White House is and makes a strong case as to why this might be one of the most racist administration’s our country has seen in the modern era.


Why does this matter to the average Hip-Hopper? Ah… duh… he is a racist and advises the president… Wake up people.

The Hill reports that 25 different Jewish House members are calling for homeboy to be kicked out of America’s house on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“As Jewish members of Congress, we are calling on you to immediately relieve White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller of all government responsibilities and dismiss him from your Administration,” the lawmakers wrote in a letter Friday. “His documented support for white nationalist and virulently anti-immigrant tropes is wholly unacceptable and disqualifying for a government employee.”

Now, what are we going to do? Who dropping the statement from our community? Where is this generation’s Chuck D?