There is something super special about Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020.

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So while most people are either focused on Ground Hog’s Day or Super Bowl, there is another very special occurrence happening on the second day of the second month of the year.

USA Today interview University of Portland professor Aziz Inan and he revealed that even as palindrome dates are fairly common, Sunday’s will be super rare. That’s because 02/02/2020 is the same if you read that backward or straight on.


“We are so lucky to have such a special palindrome date occurring in our lifetime because it’s so rare.”

So bust it, this is what makes this extraordinary: This is an eight-digit palindrome: 02022020.  You might find them seven-digit like 1-10-2011 or even some five like 9-10-19. What makes it even cooler is that it does not matter where you are in the world, it will be the same. Some countries write their dates starting with “Day/Month/Year” versus how America does it with “Month/Day/Year.”

The last time this has happened was 11/11/1111 and the next time it will happen will be 12/12/2121 in 101 years. Another bug out about 02/02/2020 is that on the 33rd day of the year with 333 days left due to the leap year.