Michael B. Jordan Gives Speech at Black Lives Matter Protest in Los Angeles

As protests continue around the country, Michael B. Jordan was on hand at a Los Angeles demonstration. While present, he spoke about how his films deepened his knowledge and perspective on race relations, letting him know that people need to be close to the issues.

“I learned his tactics. I learned his mentality,” Jordan said about his role as Bryan Stevenson in Just Mercy. “I learned his approach to things. Very calm. Very strategic. Very thoughtful. You have to be proximal. You have to be close to [the] issues.”

Jordan also called for diversity and condemned those who promote racism in their actions.

“We are in the heart of Hollywood right now, one of the world’s most powerful industries, and I am an active member of that. And they need to go on notice,” he said. “Anybody that deals with me, if you have racist beliefs, if you have a racist bone in your body, if you’re not with me, if you don’t stand with me and people that look like me, you don’t need to be with me. I use my power to demand diversity but it’s time that studios and agencies, do so.”

You can see it all below.
