Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, Endorses Joe Biden For President

Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and the first Black chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, recently gave his endorsement for Joe Biden.

Steele said in an NBC News op-ed on Tuesday that “I am an American, a conservative and a Republican, in that order. And I am voting for Joe Biden on Nov. 3.”

While he praises Republican presidents such as Ronald Reagan, Steele believes that Donald Trump has failed to uphold the standards of the Republican Party, being “individual initiative and free enterprise” as a way of “empowering people to achieve the American Dream.”

“America has watched as the Republican Party stopped pursuing its animating principles of freedom and opportunity,” Steele wrote. “It has given up its voice on things that mattered and instead bent the arc of the party towards the baser motives of one man, who is neither a Republican nor a conservative.”

Even though Steele is endorsing Biden, he sometimes disagrees with Biden on policy issues. However, Steele believes that Biden is the best shot at helping the country heal.

“Although Vice President Biden and I disagree on some policy points, I believe he will earnestly pursue options that work towards healing the divide exacerbated by Trump and his administration,” Steele continued. “My support for Biden is because we share an everlasting loyalty to what is ultimately best for our nation.”