Joe Biden to Visit Iowa, Releases Ads to Inspire Latino Voters

With seven days away from Election Day, Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden has his focus on Iowa. The former vice president will make his first visit to the state as apart of his campaigning.

Biden will focus on speaking to the citizens about united the country together to address the issues that we collectively face. According to the Des Moines Register, Biden’s visit will come days after Vice President Mike Pence will host a “Make America Great Again” rally at the airport.

The trip for Biden follows a new release of ads across eleven states that highlight his platform to Latino voters. There were five ads in total, that target the demographic across battleground states and are led by “Unidos con Biden,” which will be available in on TV and digital platforms Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, and digitally in Colorado, Michigan and Texas.


You can see the ad that highlights the importance of exercising the right to vote below.