Dreamville President Ibrahim Hamad Suggests J. Cole’s Mixtapes Could Hit Streaming with Kanye West Sample Clearances

Over the weekend, J. Cole hosted and performed at the 2023 Dreamville Festival. During his time on stage, Cole performed “Villematic” a single that uses Kanye West’s “Devil in a New Dress” beat. The single was originally found on his Friday Night Lights mixtape.

With the single being on a mixtape and never officially cleared for commercial use, the single and the entire FNL mixtape, have never made it to streaming services. During the performance, Cole gave a public plea to Kanye: “Shout out to Kanye West. Please clear the sample for me, my brother. I appreciate it.”

Following the festival, Dreamville president, Ibrahim Hamad, hit Twitter to provide an update on the future of Cole’s mixtapes hitting streaming:

“when y’all keep asking me everyday for FNL and The Warm Up and The Come Up on streaming just remember cole rapped on like 10 Kanye beats. I swear Once Kanye clears it I got y’all.”

You can tap into everything that happened at Dreamville 2023 here.