Ten Baseball Players Who Broke Our Hearts By Using Steroids


In light of the continuing Biogenesis drama, steroids and baseball have made their way back into the national consciousness. Fans and players alike are glued to the television watching the unraveling Alex Rodriguez saga. Baseball faithfuls are praying that their favorite players are not being targeted by Bud Selig for suspension.

Yet, this isn’t anything really new for America’s favorite pastime. For the last two decades, the sport has been forced to admit that it has a drug problem. As the home run balls were flying out the stadium, suspicion of foul play on the field couldn’t be thrown out.

Steroids have come to define an entire era. It has made fans of every sport, but especially Major League Baseball, paranoid that their favorite players might be on the juice. For good reason, some of the sport’s biggest and most beloved figures have been found guilty of using growth hormones—actively tarnishing the game’s reputation.

The Source has compiled a list of some of the highest profile players that were found guilty of cheating. A lot of these players broke baseball enthusiasts’ hearts when they were handed down suspensions. Here’s the ten who made our hearts weep.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)