Details Of Donald Sterling’s Relationship Include Him Paying Stiviano For Sex & Her Bleaching Her Skin To Look More White

NBA: Sacramento Kings at Los Angeles Clippers

The story just gets weirder.

Donald Sterling‘s tragic fall from “grace” has been as long, drawn out, and public as one could imagine, and it doesn’t appear it’ll go away any time soon. The NBA, and a large majority of its superstar players, are working actively to have Sterling removed officially as owner of the team (he’s already been banned from taking part in any basketball operations), and yesterday a report broke that Lebron James planned on boycotting the league for the 2014-2015 regular season if Sterling was still an NBA owner at its onset.


Today, UK news site Daily Mail reported details from more leaked conversations with Sterling: this time, a chat he had with his “long-time friend” Maserati. In the conversation, Daily Mail listed the many different topics that were brought up, and a large part of them are quite disturbing.

Donald Sterling taped during hour-long call to long-time friend Maserati

Sterling claims mistress V.Stiviano is the true racist, who hates being part-black and bleaches her skin every day

Moans how he has been brought down just because he ‘talked to a girl’ and told her ‘anything she wanted to hear’ just so he could ‘play with her’

Claims he’s not racist at all and ‘vast majority’ of white people don’t think about color – whereas black people do

Says having black basketball player and wife stay at his apartment proves he’s not racist

Says their sex was ‘hot’ even if it ‘took an hour to ‘get there’

Claims she turned up two months after they met at Super Bowl and told him ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ before she ‘did her thing’ in private room

Claims she blackmailed him: ‘She wanted more money… she told me she’d do anything to get what she wants or bring me down’

He claims her family are scared of her and she treats them ‘with the whip’

The article also alleges that conversations between Sterling and Maserati revealed Sterling reporting that every morning, Stiviano would get up and tell him she wishes she were white, in addition to the allegations of skin bleaching we included above.

Among his 99 other problems, Donald Sterling should probably try and keep better friends.