21 Savage is Woke AF in “Nothin New” Video

21 Savage have been ahead of a few social issues including Women’s rights, and now police brutality.

The video for “Nothin New” starts off strong featuring clips of public figures like Colin Kaepernick, Barack Obama, and LeBron James weighing in on police-involved shootings, racism, and more recently the NFL protests.

21 appears in the video sporting all black and holding an umbrella at what looks like a funeral. He spits about the different problems that affect the Black community. The second underlying storyline is about a young boy who is forced to robbed based on his circumstances and is later gunned down by police officers.


Tory Lanez recently released his visuals for “Shooters” which discuss the same issues. It’s refreshing to see artists use their platforms to talk about what’s important and spark a conversation,

Check out the video for “Nothin New” above.