Tory Lanez Details Why He Threw Punches During Toronto Tour Stop

Yesterday (July 5), Tory Lanez’s Memories Don’t Die tour grabbed headlines but unfortunately it was for punches thrown by the Toronto star and not for how well he performed. His return to the 6ix with his tour resulted in a video of Lanez throwing hard rights to a fan during his trademark walk across the crowd.

Hopping on Instagram, Tory discussed the incident with his fans letting them know the person who was on the receiving end of his swings was not a fan, but instead someone who wanted to hurt him physically. He also disputed the belief that he was attacking a fan.

“There’s a difference between someone who comes to your show as a fan and somebody who comes to your show to cause you a problem and to cause you bodily harm,” Lanez shared.

Tory captioned the response to reports, “Just wanna let me fans know . I love y’all . And to never believe the blogs until u know the full story.”

Check out the full response video from Tory Lanez below.