Reebok Enlists Ariana Grande, Danai Gurira, Gal Gadot and More For the ‘Be More Human’ Campaign

Reebok is getting the ladies together in style with a new campaign aimed at bringing out the best in people and making sure they’re living their best lives.

Change begins with us. We are the women of today. #BeMoreHuman @danaigurira

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The new #BeMoreHuman Campaign is being spearheaded by a VIP list of powerful women from different sides of the industry, including pop princess Ariana Grande, the literal Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, The Walking Dead‘s own Danai Gurira, supermodel and social influencer Gigi Hadid, Game of Thrones actress Nathalie Emmanuel and CrossFit athlete Katrin Davidsdottir amongst others. Other prominent figures in the campaign include Reese Scott (Women’s World of Boxing founder), Yelda Ali (Camel Assembly founder), Shannon Kim Wagner (Women’s Strength Coalition founder) and Jenny Gaither (Movemeant Foundation CEO) to round things out.

For the latter two organizations, Reebok will release ten different limited edition shirts that feature individual inspirational messages from one of the women in the campaign. When you purchase, 100% of the purchase price (excluding taxes and shipping) will be donated by Reebok to these organizations from now until the end of the year.

Stop by the Reebok website right now for more info on the “Be More Human” Campaign and see more pics of the ladies in the movement below: