Jussie Smollett of ‘Empire’ Hospitalized After Targeted in Hate Crime

Update #1: The Chicago Police Department reveal Smollett was called out by racial and homophobic slurs prior to his attack, which included an unknown chemical.

Original Text: Jussie Smollett, one of the stars of FOX’s Empire, was the target of a hate crime that resulted in hospitalization.

The story, originally reported by ThatGrapeJuice.Net, but confirmed by additional sources, states Smollett was attached around 2 a.m. in Chicago by two men wearing ski masks and wrapped a noose around the actor’s neck during the attack. Prior to the attack, Smollett received a threatening letter with magazine cut out letters stating “You will die black f**.”

Chicago Police Department detailed to TMZ there has been an investigation launched into the battery. Smollett has been released from Northwestern Memorial Hospital after the attack.

More details as they become available.