Oprah Winfrey’s OWN airs scripted shows that speak to the multiplicity of experiences in the Black community. From David Makes Man to Queen Sugar to any of the Tyler Perry shows, you can find several economic standings, social backgrounds, and educational levels. The religious soap opera, Greenleaf is no exception. The show is jammed pack with stories that provide peaks behind a mega-churches’ holy veils, critiques the organized institution, humanizes the clergy and their families, while weaving elements of the gospel into it.
The show follows the Greenleaf family, where we have at least three (possibly four) pastors, all trying to figure out their roles in the complicated faith-based community. Infidelity and fraud, emotional trauma and deceit floods the story and this week, even more adds to this sinister pot.
Yet praise God for Grace. No… really….
Pastor Grace Greenleaf (Merle Dandridge) continues to emerge as the beacon of righteousness, trying to clean up all this church mess. Popular and pretty, many are attracted to her as she emerges as the new lead pastor of Calvary. However, Bob Whitmore (Beau Bridges) returns to Memphis to remind her that he is the one in charge of the congregation, pushing his new ideas on her for the flock that her father lead up until last season.