Old & New: A Look At Danny Brown’s Visual Evolution

Danny Brown

Danny Brown is gearing up to release his latest studio album, Old, set to release on October 6th, but will be available to stream next week on the 30th. The project’s title is not only a reference to the Detroit emcee’s age, but also to constant backlash he receives during his artistic evolution. His older fans want the same crack slinging Detroit emcee back, while his newer followers are normally entrapped by the electronic music influenced production heard on XXX. However, don’t think that Brown will obsess over either criticism. Instead, he will do what he has always done, be himself.

To say that he has become one of the most unique artists in the game would be an understatement. From his fashion to his vocal delivery, Brown has a style that is all his own that both endears and estranges listeners. His creative style bleeds into every facet of his career, including his music videos.

From the strange and trippy videos, to the more rugged viral street ones, Danny Brown’s videography visualizes the complicated trajectory of his career. Not many artists go through such a major transition in the same time as Brown. Just three years ago his videos were grainy and shot on real Motor City; now everything is shot by some of the best directors in high definition. The only constant is the intense lyrical prowess, easily misinterpreted due to the high volume of jokes and double entendres.

To better prepare for his upcoming release, we compiled some of his best videos to date. Most of this spitter’s major career moments are captured in this list, but there are definitely more out there. For right now, enjoy the list and the high degree of artistry that follows.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)