The Source Presents: The 40 Best Kanye West Verses (Of All Time)

Kanye West
Late Registration
Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam


This was a serious debate. And while you may think there are verses more deserving of number 1 than “Roses,” listen to it. Human beings are designed in their nature to compare, argue, and debate. But let’s set a premise. “Roses” is the best Kanye West verse, of all time, as of press time, which is now, July 26th, 2013. Would you really want to argue? Take all the emotion, the purpose, the deliberate attempts to elicit raw feelings from the listener, the live commentary of that hospital room, the aunty team, and the crazy b*tch nurse asking for an autograph. Take all of that, put it in a verse, and listen to it once, then again, then a few more times, and tell yourself this isn’t the best Kanye verse you ever heard. “Self, we’ve heard better Kanye verses, haven’t we?” He/she may not reply.
