Americans across the country will head to the polls today. Not sure of what you will need during the day? Judith Brown Dianis, Executive Director of the Advancement Project National Office, has released a statement in order to help combat any issues such as long lines.

It is hard to believe that election day is almost here. Tomorrow, we will see America make itself heard—I know so many of us have been waiting for this opportunity to raise our voice. Advancement Project National Office is here to help make sure you have everything you need to make your vote count.

When you vote tomorrow, make sure you’re prepared to stand in line. Bring water, bring a mask, bring a chair—you can even bring a Bluetooth speaker! Do whatever you need to stay comfortable if you have to wait to vote.

And remember—if you’re in line by the time polls close, you have a right to vote!

But elections aren’t just about making yourself heard; elections are about lifting up your community’s needs—about coming together to articulate a shared vision for a better future. That’s why you have to make sure to check in with your friends and family about their voting plan. Ask them if they plan to vote—and if they aren’t sure, share with them why you think voting is important.

If you plan to vote by mail but haven’t returned your ballot yet—turn it in ASAP to a drop box near youIt is too late to ensure that your ballot gets counted if you submit it by mail.

If you have already voted by mail, make sure to confirm your ballot has been received and accepted. Look up your secretary of state or local election administrator’s website—there should be information about “tracking” your ballot’s status. In case there is any sort of issue with your ballot, there may be a process for you to fix, also known as “cure,” your ballot.

Tomorrow, we will vote to advance this movement—but our work won’t stop there. We’re looking forward to continuing to fight alongside you, shoulder to shoulder, to win justice and equality for all people.

– Judith Browne Dianis, Executive Director
Advancement Project National Office

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