Texas Cop Takes Down & Tasers Unarmed 76-Year Old Man

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm9jUpeqCLw Victoria, Texas was the site of police brutality against an elderly man on Thursday, December 11,…

During Another Protest in Washington, The Tea Party Called for the Lynching of President Obama

American citizens have been up in arms for almost six months this past year, joining together…

Police Shoot & Kill Cow As It Dies On the Run From a Slaughterhouse

On Friday, December 12, 2014, Idaho police pursued and killed a cow that escaped a butcher…

Approximately 25,000 Protestors Marched on Washington’s “Justice for All” Rally to Stop Senseless Killings By Police

Following several months of nationwide protests from New York City to San Francisco, Reverend Al Sharpton,…

Government Reaches Out to Uninsured Through 7-11 Receipts

The Department of Health and Human Services is encouraging Americans without health insurance to enroll in  a…

Members of Congress Protest Grand Jury Decisions Not to Indict Mike Brown and Eric Garner’s Killers

Congressional Black Associates arranged a demonstration in protest of the killing of unarmed persons by police.

Good News for Dieters: A New Food Additive Makes Meals More Filling

With so many health and wellness options in your local drug store, finding the perfect weight loss supplement…

A Would Be DC Robber Gets Killed With His Own Gun

District of Columbia police have been busy investigating new homicides since the start of the holiday season.   On…

Would You Pay $300 for a Spoon? Help for Parkinson’s Patients Comes at a Cost!

Eating is one of the common daily activities that comes as natural as putting one foot in…

goPuff is Just Waiting For Your City to Legalize It

Smartphone apps have made access to business information easier than typing in an url.  Moving at…