Donald Trump Defends Border Wall And Muslim Ban In GOP Debate

In last night’s GOP Debate in Las Vegas, Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump continues to stand by his propositions to ban Muslims from entering the United States and to build a wall around U.S. borders to stem the flow of illegal immigrants from entering the country.

“We are not talking about isolation, we are talking about security. We are not talking about religion, we’re talking about security,”

Trump said Tuesday at the CNN-Facebook debate.

Trump’s initial proposal last week to ban Muslims from the U.S. was met with immediate opposition, however, last night, the Donald’s unwavering position was followed up by claps and cheers from the attendees of the GOP debate. With Trump’s lead at a comfortable 41%, it’s safe t osay that he has more than the lion’s share of supporters in the GOP.

The debate focused solely on foreign policy issues like immigration and the ISIS crisis, however, other top contenders like Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz shared the spotlight with Trump, with the baby Bush taking shots at the real estate billionaire, calling Trump’s proposed policies “dog whistle talk”.