Donald Trump Says That He’ll Leave Office if Electoral College Votes Biden as President

Donald Trump is either living under a rock or maybe he didn’t get the memo. In…

Biden Transition Formally Begins, Trump Tweets Out Acknowledgement

It has been nearly three weeks since Biden was declared the next President of the United…

Federal Judge Dismisses Trump’s Lawsuit Over His Loss in Pennsylvania

This might just be the nail in the coffin for Trump’s hopes of overturning the election…

Report Says Donald Trump Will Declare Premature Victory On Tuesday if Ahead in Polls

A report by Axios says that Donald Trump told his confidants that he will declare a…

Obama Slams Trump in First Stop on Joe Biden’s Campaign Trail

President Obama announced last week that he would be hitting the campaign trail for his former…

Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, Endorses Joe Biden For President

Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and the first Black chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele,…

Trump Insults Dr. Fauci and Insists Americans Are ‘Tired of Hearing Fauci and All These Idiots’

Trump’s campaign is coming to an end with only 2 weeks left before the election. While…

Donald Trump Says He Might Leave the Country If He Loses the Upcoming Election

Donald Trump jokingly said during a rally on Friday night in Macon, Georgia that if he…

Barack Obama to Hit Campaign Trail With Biden in Final Weeks of Presidential Race

Barack Obama is expected to hit the campaign trail for his former Vice President Joe Biden…

Kanye Tweets Out Invalid Kentucky Early Voting Results

Please Mr. West, no more today. Yesterday, many early voting polls opened across the U.S. including…