The Ah-ha moment finally hit, you have that nudge from your gut to get those goals rolling towards your dreams. In excitement, you start to write down plans, call up a few friends, and start implementing those ideas. Then something happens. There is that little voice that creeps in that brings everything to a screeching halt. That awesome life you just imagined is interrupted by your ego telling you everything that is wrong with taking that leap of faith.

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Understand that faith is followed by things unseen. If you have the nudge to go after your dreams follow it, meditate on it, and watch the blessings unfold. Act as if you already have what you want because it is yours. Your part is to work hard and follow the guidance that is given.

Here are some steps to face the fear and go for your dreams
  1. Embrace the chaos – Anytime you make a declaration of change or wanting to move forward with a plan, know that chaos is on the horizon. This is a good thing because it gives you the wonderful lessons necessary to get what you want, bottom line is the test of faith, strength, and persistence. Simply ask what do I need to learn so I can move forward?
  2. Reflect and release – If your goals are falling into place and the opportunity you’ve been waiting for presents itself, do you freak out, subconsciously sabotage, or simply pass it by? Fear is a normal emotion, but understand where the fear is coming from and then release it. Reflect and write down why you are scared, share the story that happened, and finally tell yourself an opposite story.

For example, I am scared because I might make a mistake. Reflect about a time you made a mistake. The opposite story is, we all make mistakes, but this is how we grow. I am able and smart enough to complete this task.

  1. Go for it – It is a great feeling to know that you accomplished something that you thought you couldn’t do. Remember you are stronger and smarter than you think. Keep the faith, stay focused, stay determined, and go for your dreams.

About The Author

Dream big, stay humble, keep the faith, and reach beyond the stars. Peace and Blessings.

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