There are some powerful health benefits in zucchini. Also known as a summer squash, you may want to consider adding this food to your diet. Here are some great ways zucchini will improve your health and make your taste buds happy.

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Health Benefits

Full of Vitamins and Minerals – Packed with vitamin C, vitamin B-6, vitamin K, manganese, and folic acid, zucchini has a lot beneficial nutrients. This includes a boost in immunity, eye health, as well as lowering the risk of cancer, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, and heart disease. Research has shown that it is highly recommended to keep the peel  on because it is known to be the most nutrient-dense portion of the vegetable.


Weight loss – Zucchini is very low in calories and cholesterol. It is known to have only 21 calories in a serving of one cup. It has a high content of water and fiber. This will help flush out toxins while helping you feel full longer.

Zucchini Pasta Recipe


2 zucchinis, peeled

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 cup water

Add season and herbs to taste


Cut lengthwise slices from zucchini using a vegetable peeler.

Slice the zucchini into thinner strips to look like spaghetti.

Heat olive oil in a pan on low- medium heat.

Cook and stir zucchini in the hot oil for 1 minute

Add water and cook until zucchini is softened, 5 to 10 minutes.

Season and enjoy.